

Developed by Teknorova


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Teknorova is an unrivaled domain registry operator in terms of price, serving with more than 650 dealers in Turkey and around the world. With a successful growth story since 2015, Teknorova offers a special support process to its dealers. Teknorova aims to stay in an advantageous position by monitoring real-time prices in order to always offer the best price to its dealers.

Teknorova offers a wide range of extensions, providing the opportunity to register more than 800 domain extensions. Thanks to its self-developed gateway infrastructure, it offers a fast and reliable registration process.


Module Features

  • Domain Name Query
  • Domain Name Registration
  • Domain Name Transfer
  • Domain Name Renewal
  • Auto Update Extension Costs
  • Changing Name Server
  • Child Name Server Management
  • Whois Protection (Free)
  • Updating Whois Information
  • Transfer Lock Management
  • Creating a Transfer Code
  • Bulk Domain Import From Service Provider
  • Bulk Extension Import from Service Provider
  • Premium Domain Name Checker
  • Domain Name Promotion Management


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